Let’s dive in

The most intimate relationship we have is with ourselves. Are you ready to be radically honest with who you truly are?

1:1 - Discovery Dive

$333 - 90mins

All 1:1 clients are required to start with a Discovery Dive. Here we get to identify key areas to uncover, establish safety and determine the goals you’re aiming for.

1:1 - Deep Dive

$300 - 60mins / minimum x2 sessions

Dive in to explore and seek out the source of what’s holding you back. Reveal the parts of you you’ve suppressed and bring to the surface what gets to be released.

1:1 - Deep Deep Dive

$1444 - 60mins / x5 session package

Let yourself free fall to the deepest parts of You. Commit all-in to reclaiming your authentic self. Emerging revived to be embodied in your full expression.

Complimentary Vibe Consult